Sunday, August 24, 2008


Emmy in her undies with a flower
(I love this picture)
Emmy wanted some candy and we were at my mom's house. I told her that Memaw had Starburst. I was informed by my daughter that I was not saying the name of the candy the correct way.
Me: "would you like some Starburst?"
Emmy: "No mom, those are Starworst. I don't like Starburst, only Starworst."

I just love kids!

Last Day of Summer for Mommy

The girls in an old wagon in Utah
Cute Reese with a "flower in her hair"
Emmy and Mommy at Bear Lake in Utah
Today was my last day home with the girls. I start back to FULL TIME teaching in the morning. I am sad but blessed to have been able to work part time for two years. Mike's company is cutting jobs due to the economy: not many people are flying right now and jet fuel is outrageous! We decided that I HAD to go back so we could survive. I love my job as a teacher but adore/love my role as a mom. We had a great summer and many wonderful memories. I will miss spending time with them during the week. Our weekends will need some quality time to love each other!