Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!


We were in the car talking about what we are thankful for.
Me: What are you thankful for?
E: I am thankful for mommy, daddy, and Reese.
Me: I am thankful for Emmy, Reese, and daddy.
E: I am thankful for the world that God made.
R: I am thankful for the world that Santa made.
E: Silly Reese, Santa did not make the world, God made the world and he made Santa. Santa makes the toys!
Too cute Emmy Girl! I love you so much and love how you interpret the world around you. I am thankful today for many things, one is being a mom!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Mike has been gone ENTIRELY to long! My mom had the girls today and they said that they want their OLD DAD BACK. I asked them what they meant by that and they told me that they have had their dad for a long time so they want a new one! I thought maybe they had not seen him for almost a month and a half and the missed him. They do miss him but I guess they want a new one!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From the mouths of Babes!

I love listening to my girls have conversations. We had a sleep over last night with Grace. They were all playing in the room and I heard Emmy tell Grace, "When my dad is gone, he told me I am the boss, okay Grace"!? Classic line from her because she thinks she IS the boss!

We were eating dinner tonight and Reese was dringkig from a Trader Joe's kid water bottle and Emmy asked me "Why does Reese put body wash in her water bottles?" It took me a while to figure out what she meant. Reese BACK WASHES when she drinks and Emmy thought we said BODY WASH! These are the moments I cherish, even if my husband won't be home for 3 more weeks :(!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just having fun....

I am trying to be more creative and make my blog "cute"! I haven't found all the perfect things, but I am trying!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat, Pounding Feet

We had a fabulous Halloween. Emmy was a vintage Flapper, the costume was made by Nana Joyce 35+ years ago and worn my Emmy's Nanny! Reese was a Love Bug, but not much of a love bug because she did not take a nap! We went to Mimi and Papa's for some treats and then to Memaw's and Grandfather's for dinner and ALOT more treats! Fun was had by all. Reese didn't like the scary decorations, music, or the masks that most people had on. She loved the trick or treat part and even added a little thanl you. We hope you all had a great Halloweeen.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My dad is an amazing father and grandfather. He was in Vegas with my mom and he decided to buy the grand kids their own I Pod's to listen to their favorite music! Emmy was so excited because she was going to ask Santa for one, but she didn't want to wait that long. Well, Emmy got pink and Reese got green. They love them and abuse them just as much! Thank you Grandfather and Memaw, they girls love them.

Wordless Wednesday!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Saturday Morning Fun!

After a long week at work, the girls were so excited that I was not going to work in the morning. They wanted to celebrate. I told them that we could make pancakes in the morning. They want princess shaped ones, but I convinced them that I could make snowman ones much better. They decided that would be fun. I had so much fun making them with them and spending a relaxing morning with the girls.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sisterly Love, NOT

Emmy and Reese love to fight over baby dolls. They have about 20, but they always want the one the other on has. Tonight was no different and Emmy had to have a time out because she pushed Reese. After she had her time out, she apologized to Reese. I reminded Emmy that Reese was the only sister that she was going to have and she responded with.........."I don't want to have her"! She then burst into tears and said that she would rather have a brother. It made me sad but laugh at the same time. My sister is my best friend, but I am sure that there were times that I didn't want to have her either!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Full Moon

We were driving home last night and the moon was very beautiful and full. The girls were in the back seat trying to locate the moon in the sky. When Emmy finally saw the moon, she said "did he eat a lot of food. Is that why he is full?"
Me: Laugh

Me: He eats what is in the sky.

Emmy:How does he eat when he doesn't have a mouth?

Me: He eats the clouds in the sky honey.

Emmy: Well mom, it is night time and there are only clouds in the morning. He doesn't eat clouds at night so what does he eat?

Me: Laugh and think how wonderful it is to be a child!

Emmy: The moon is pretty.

I love you to the moon and back Emerson and keep asking all of your cute and amazing questions!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Hair Do for Reese

Reese got a hair cut! She looks least I think so. Her hair was getting so long and getting stuck in her arm pits. It was quite funny, it looked like she had hairy arm pits! Mike's mom cut her hair in our garage. It is always fun trying to get Reese to sit still, especially when there are scissors involved!

First Day of School

Emmy, Reese and Mrs. Buxton
Emmy on her first day
Emmy and Reese, she had to be in the picture!
Emmy started her second year of preschool this week. She will be going three days a week and her teacher is Mrs. Buxton. She loves school and was so excited that she finally got to go back to school.
It is hard to believe that she is four and will be going to kindergarten next school year. Where does the time go? I feel like it was yesterday that she was, it goes by fast. I hope that she learns so much and has an amazing time with her new teacher!

Soccer Fun

Emmy just started playing soccer. Her team name is the Blueberries. There are five little girls on her team and they have so much fun "playing" soccer. I think it is more like a heard of kids following the ball , where ever it may go! They had so much fun. I had such a blast watching them play. Emmy just needs to remember that in soccer you don't use your hands!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Emmy in her undies with a flower
(I love this picture)
Emmy wanted some candy and we were at my mom's house. I told her that Memaw had Starburst. I was informed by my daughter that I was not saying the name of the candy the correct way.
Me: "would you like some Starburst?"
Emmy: "No mom, those are Starworst. I don't like Starburst, only Starworst."

I just love kids!

Last Day of Summer for Mommy

The girls in an old wagon in Utah
Cute Reese with a "flower in her hair"
Emmy and Mommy at Bear Lake in Utah
Today was my last day home with the girls. I start back to FULL TIME teaching in the morning. I am sad but blessed to have been able to work part time for two years. Mike's company is cutting jobs due to the economy: not many people are flying right now and jet fuel is outrageous! We decided that I HAD to go back so we could survive. I love my job as a teacher but adore/love my role as a mom. We had a great summer and many wonderful memories. I will miss spending time with them during the week. Our weekends will need some quality time to love each other!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fun Times on the 4th!

Reese loved making hers!
Decorate your own cupcakes!
Singing "Happy Birthday" to Papa by the pool!
Glow stick fun with all the kids

Emmy and Reese watching the fireworks

We had a busy, fun filled day with family and friends. We went to Papa's house to swim and have some cake. It was Papa's birthday. Then we went to my sister's for some tacos and A LOT of fireworks! The show was a bit long but the girls loved it. It is nice to reflect and think about all the freedoms that we have. We have a lot to be thankful for!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We hope your families have an amazing time. Here are some pics of the girls eating their favorite treat..."Firecracker Popsicles".

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Round Up 2008

We have been a part of PCRF for 15 years. Each year they do a "Friend Raiser" for cancer patients and their families. We go each year to help out. This year my friend Allison had the idea to run a booth. She planned it and arranged for people to work at it and we all has such a good time. It is so amazing to see all the oncology patients with their families having fun. Everything is free and fun. My girls came with my mom and then we went and had some fun. Enjoy the pictures!

We are Back!

Emmy had her last day of school today. She has learned so much this year and she was sad to say goodbye to her teacher and friends. They performed songs and had a pizza party. Emmy was so excited to be with all of her friends. I can't believe my little girl is going to be four and in her next year of school


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas 2007

We had a great Christmas this year. Santa and our families were so kind to the girls. Emmy loved putting out the milk, cookies, and carrots for Santa and his reindeer. Emmy also had her Christmas Program at school, so cute! We have had a blast this holiday and can't wait to see what 2008 has in store for us!