Our computer is now fixed! Thanks Mike. He came home from Texas for 24 hours and spent time with us and fixed the computer.
Mike has 5 more days in Texas and then he can finally come home, just in time for me to go back to work. This summer has been filled with so many fun things. The girls and I have been busy hanging out with family and friends. We have been trying to stay as busy as possible while Mike was away......mainly so I would not go crazy by myself for 6 weeks.
We have gone to Canada (Emmy and I), the beach, the fair, the park, the mall, to birthday parties, had sleepovers, baked, went on walks, played, laughed, cried, gone to playgroup, had play dates, but most of all, spent quality time together. I am so blessed to have had the summer to spend with my girls.
They are growing so fast. Emmy is going to start pre-school, or as she calls it "pretty school", in September. She is becoming an independent girl. She gets dressed by herself and loves to push the button to get water for her cup. She loves books, dress-up, and loves shoes! Whenever we go to someones house, she always ends up taking a pair home and promises to bring them back. I wonder where she gets her love of shoes from? I love listening to what she has to say and love listening to her sing her color songs at the top of her lungs!
Reese is still the one tooth wonder! Four others are trying to come in, but no luck yet. She is so different than Emmy was as a child. She is so small, wild, loud, spunky, and very messy. She has such a wild personality! She loves animals, to go under the water in the pool, loves to eat lots of food, gives the best kisses, loves to pull her sisters hair, and loves to give hugs. She is almost walking. She would rather crawl because she can get there so much faster. We have had a busy and fun filled summer. I am glad to be going back to work because I have the best of both worlds. I love teaching and I love staying home with my girls. I share a contract at work and it enables me to do what I love and raise my kids. I will post some pictures of our summer fun!