Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday!


We were in the car talking about what we are thankful for.
Me: What are you thankful for?
E: I am thankful for mommy, daddy, and Reese.
Me: I am thankful for Emmy, Reese, and daddy.
E: I am thankful for the world that God made.
R: I am thankful for the world that Santa made.
E: Silly Reese, Santa did not make the world, God made the world and he made Santa. Santa makes the toys!
Too cute Emmy Girl! I love you so much and love how you interpret the world around you. I am thankful today for many things, one is being a mom!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Mike has been gone ENTIRELY to long! My mom had the girls today and they said that they want their OLD DAD BACK. I asked them what they meant by that and they told me that they have had their dad for a long time so they want a new one! I thought maybe they had not seen him for almost a month and a half and the missed him. They do miss him but I guess they want a new one!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From the mouths of Babes!

I love listening to my girls have conversations. We had a sleep over last night with Grace. They were all playing in the room and I heard Emmy tell Grace, "When my dad is gone, he told me I am the boss, okay Grace"!? Classic line from her because she thinks she IS the boss!

We were eating dinner tonight and Reese was dringkig from a Trader Joe's kid water bottle and Emmy asked me "Why does Reese put body wash in her water bottles?" It took me a while to figure out what she meant. Reese BACK WASHES when she drinks and Emmy thought we said BODY WASH! These are the moments I cherish, even if my husband won't be home for 3 more weeks :(!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just having fun....

I am trying to be more creative and make my blog "cute"! I haven't found all the perfect things, but I am trying!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat, Pounding Feet

We had a fabulous Halloween. Emmy was a vintage Flapper, the costume was made by Nana Joyce 35+ years ago and worn my Emmy's Nanny! Reese was a Love Bug, but not much of a love bug because she did not take a nap! We went to Mimi and Papa's for some treats and then to Memaw's and Grandfather's for dinner and ALOT more treats! Fun was had by all. Reese didn't like the scary decorations, music, or the masks that most people had on. She loved the trick or treat part and even added a little thanl you. We hope you all had a great Halloweeen.